Gratis Vps Server
Gratis Vps Server. It is a cheap alternative to the dedicated server based on the cloud hosting technology which allows changing the server resources quickly and flexibly without interrupting it's. With full root access and control, GratisVPS SSD powered VPS's are perfect for startup's, small to medium sized business, ecommerce, forums, blogs, developers, and so much.
VPSie also provides free VPS, but you need to refer a minimum of three friends.
Dedicated Web Hosting - Cloud VPS Hosting.
VPS Virtual Private Server is a service that provisions a part of the server's resources. A single physical server can host multiple virtual dedicated servers, where resources are then explicitly. With full root access and control, GratisVPS SSD powered VPS's are perfect for startup's, small to medium sized business, ecommerce, forums, blogs, developers, and so much.